Looking for reality? Find out who (what) you really are right here. www.spiratar.com
Peace Prophet 1
August 16, 2015
Looking for reality? Find out who (what) you really are right here. www.spiratar.com
Cornelia Weber
August 13, 2015
Too much of esoteric blah, doesn't come to a point, except sayimg that everything is unknown..... well than why trying to make a point where ther is no point in her perspective. I wish I would be able to get message.
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Looking for reality? Find out who (what) you really are right here. www.spiratar.com
Looking for reality? Find out who (what) you really are right here. www.spiratar.com
Too much of esoteric blah, doesn't come to a point, except sayimg that everything is unknown..... well than why trying to make a point where ther is no point in her perspective. I wish I would be able to get message.