July 30, 2012

Ask Deepak – What Are Emotions.

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  1. kcv59

    how is it I can feel the "fear" so much more in my body than I feel grief. When my parents died, years apart I did not cry (I always envisoned myself crumblng when they died. Other than my husband and children my parents filled my life with love as I believe I did theirs. So I do not understand my reaction towards grief--it is like I am numb, so sad but numb. How come I can cry so easily in a movie--even if viewing it for a short amount of time--but not so when I my parents passed?

  2. Ed Passarelli

    if it feels bad, you're moving in the wrong direction... it's that simple

  3. toedyouso

    Deepak, what if you are surrounded by people who are dealing with their own negative emotions? How do you not become reactive yourself when it is an everyday bombardment of negativity. Thank you.

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