October 11, 2012
Picture of day

At The Soul of Leadership Course at Kellogg.

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  1. Gobie H2O

    Deepak, you have always been a great supporter, please help us share our voice with the world and vote for us http://grantcontest.fedex.com/fedex-small-business-grant-voting/microsite/gallery/506a1e34f5ed45f608000398?cmp=SOC-1000968-15-1-1001-1111000-US-US-EN-FBENTRANTSHARE0&utm_source=share&utm_medium=viral

  2. The Positive Pathway

    Good to see the corporate world opening up to new leadership styles!

  3. Silvana Boghi

    Deepak, one day I hope to meet you in person here in Brazil .....

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