January 22, 2013
Deepak in the News

The Best Way to a Happy, Healthy `Super Brain`.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

New research shows that the brain can be rewired to benefit our lives and stave off memory loss.

Published by http://www.everydayhealth.com

For centuries, scientists generally accepted that the brain we had by the time we reached adulthood was pretty much the one we were stuck with. A penchant for feeling blue, memory loss, or being bad at math was set in stone — an aging mind was inevitable and immutable.

But in the last several years, there's mounting evidence to show that the brain is the most malleable of organs, responding to everything from a hurricane to a handshake.


“Your brain…is constantly remodeling, reshaping itself,” says Rudolph Tanzi, PhD, a neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School who has written a book with eastern philosopher Deepak Chopra called Super Brain.


Find out more about Super Brain.


Dr. Tanzi says that the power to physically rewire our brains for our own betterment lies within all of us, and it begins with a simple mind trick — self-awareness.


When you detach from your emotions by telling yourself, I’m not sad right now, my brain is making me sad, for example, “your brain will re-wire to make you a happier person, a healthier person,” Tanzi says.


He says there is also research showing that exercise can actually prompt growth of new nerve cells in an area of the brain called the hippocampus responsible for short-term memory. Because this area is also where Alzheimer’s disease originates, Tanzi theorizes that many people can stave off Alzheimer’s by increasing their level of exercise.


Another way to save your brain is to keep curiosity alive as you age, viewing learning the way a child does.


“When you attach passion and emotion to learning you remember everything. That’s why kids remember everything,” Tanzi says. “You get older, you get apathetic. Instead of ‘wow’ moments, you have ‘so-what’ moments, and that’s why you don’t learn as well.”


Even brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand or watching an educational program can stimulate the brain to make new connections.


The "best brain" is one that is constantly striking the balance between emotions, intuition, instinct, and intellect. The more you practice the techniques of mindfulness, exercise, and novelty, the more automatically your brain responds with positive changes, Tanzi believes.


"You can use your mind to bring you the world you want to live in," he says.


It does take some effort, but the rewards could be limitless.


Watch the Super Brain video interview with Prof. Tanzi.

Write Your Comment

  1. maggie mick

    that superbrain interveiw isnt available:/

  2. maggie mick

    that superbrain interveiw isnt available:/

  3. WE are all Sandy Hook

    Yes, it does it it call neuroplasticity, the neurons make new connections!

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