October 16, 2018
Deepak in the News

Deepak Chopra: How to let go of work worries in 3 powerful steps.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

At work, do you ever get angry or frustrated? In those moments, your goals have likely gotten the best of you.

Our goals and needs serve as a constant motivation in our professional lives. At the end of the year, our managers evaluate us based on what we have accomplished and tie our success to specific things we have achieved. As a result, our goals can also leave us stressed, angry or even sleepless when we fall short. Those tough moments are signals we need to make a change in our mindset and our focus.

Luckily, a simple method can help you let go and focus less on results – which you can’t control – and your work — which you can. When you follow the ‘law of detachment’ and learn to let go, you’ll notice that even more success can come your way.

Here is a three-step method for following the law of detachment at work.

Step one: List your goals and desires

Make a list of your desires, goals and objectives. You can even think back to your long-lost New Year’s resolutions. Then, take an inventory of your “to do” list at work. Is there any overlap between the two?


Chances are, you have made several commitments throughout the year that benefit you both professionally and personally. But all too often, we spin our wheels without truly thinking about why we’re doing something and if we still want it. Soon our commitments start to control our thoughts and actions. Make sure you’re making time to work toward the things that are most important to you.


Read the full story on CNBC.com

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