Seduction of Spirit – Discover Your Purpose and Passion.

Join Deepak Chopra along with special guest speakers Caroline Myss and Byron Katie.

Discover Your Purpose & Passion
April 6 – April 12, 2014
Omni La Costa Resort & Spa • Carlsbad, California

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Step out of limiting beliefs and access your own greatest potential through meditation and yoga at our Seduction of Spirit retreat. Unlock the secrets of living a wildly successful life filled with purpose and passion and experience a brilliant community of like-minded people.

Dive into The Work, Byron Katie’s four-part process to release the causes of suffering. Gain tools to enrich and enliven your life as you explore Sacred Contracts with best-selling author and world-renowned intuitive Caroline Myss.

This beautiful retreat is about slowing down and tuning into the peace of present moment awareness. Through the practice of Primordial Sound Meditation, Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, and other timeless tools, you will begin to:

  • Deepen your meditation practice
  • Move beyond limiting conditioned beliefs
  • Appreciate the gifts of your life as it unfolds
  • Let go of the struggle and achieve more by doing less
  • Shed layers of accumulated stress
  • Release the stress and obstacles to balanced living
  • Tap into your deepest potential to manifest your wishes, dreams, and desires.

In a supportive group of like-minded individuals, Deepak Chopra, special guest speakers, and Chopra Center master educators will guide you in Primordial Sound Meditation, Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, visualizations, creative activities, and discussions that will awaken you to all the gifts that lie within.

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  1. chrisrine

    Please send me information on all of you events and newsletters Thank you, Christine

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