Seduction of Spirit.
This beautiful retreat is about slowing down and tuning into The peace of present moment awareness. Through the practice of Primordial Sound Meditation, Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, and other timeless tools, you will begin to:
Deepen your meditation practice
Reconnect with your deepest dreams and desires
Move beyond limiting conditioned beliefs
Tap into your hidden inner reserves and potential
Appreciate the gifts of your life as it unfolds
Let go of the struggle and achieve more by doing less
Experience the mind-body harmony of yoga
Release the stress and obstacles to balanced living
Seduction of Silence is our advanced meditation retreat – a most intimate spiritual silent experience reserved for graduates of Seduction of Spirit. Taking your inner dialogue to the deepest levels of stillness and silence, you will learn advanced sutras, meditate privately in a small group, and attend small group sessions with Deepak Chopra and Chopra Center master instructors.
Seduction of Spirit.
This beautiful retreat is about slowing down and tuning into tThe peace of present moment awareness. Through the practice of Primordial Sound Meditation, Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, and other timeless tools, you will begin to:
Deepen your meditation practice
Reconnect with your deepest dreams and desires
Move beyond limiting conditioned beliefs
Tap into your hidden inner reserves and potential
Appreciate the gifts of your life as it unfolds
Let go of the struggle and achieve more by doing less
Experience the mind-body harmony of yoga
Release the stress and obstacles to balanced living
Seduction of Silence is our advanced meditation retreat – a most intimate spiritual silent experience reserved for graduates of Seduction of Spirit. Taking your inner dialogue to the deepest levels of stillness and silence, you will learn advanced sutras, meditate privately in a small group, and attend small group sessions with Deepak Chopra and Chopra Center master instructors.
Pls let me know if you have any day care options for the kids , we will have to travel too & just want to know if the facility has any thing to offer to kids while the parents do the workshops
Price ranges $2000-$3000?? Due to the economic downturn and recession we are facing will you offer a reasonably priced meditation retreat?
Good afternoon, I am planning to come to your seminar., will you please let me know how much it will costs, and if it will include accomadations? Gratefully Maria E Morfin