San Diego, CA – An Evening with Deepak Chopra: The Future of Well-Being.

A book signing will follow the lecture.

$39 conference attendees
$49 general public
$59 at the door
$75 priority seating

Write Your Comment

  1. Gabriella Reyes

    Dear Sir or Madam: Do you still offer calendars? I would like to ask for a Deepak Chopra`s 2015 calendar. A couple of years back, my mom received one in the mail, would it be possible to send me one? I have moved to another state and receiving some inspiration from your calendar would be a great joy. If you would like to send me additional information, please go ahead. I thank you in advance, and if you don`t produce them anymore, thanks for your time. Below is my address. Gabriella Reyes 301 N. Walker Ave. Apt. 8303 Oklahoma City, OK 73102

  2. Phil MD

    I am a wellness physician in Carlsbad and La Jolla and since 1980. Deepak Chopra is my hero, mentor and role model. His insight and advice is always thought provoking and right on. His ability to communicate cogently and credibly the relationship between mind, body and spirit, and inspire interest and participation; is unmatched. Every time I witness one of his teachings I learn new things, or reinforce truth in both classical cutting edge medical and alternative preventive and evidence-based diagnosis and treatments, we are so fortunate to have this resource in our community. Phillip Milgram MD Medical Director of Wellness Etc.

  3. Marina Herrera

    I am speak spanis. Will you have translators to my lenguage?

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