June 16, 2015

Without Resilience, I Might Never Have Made It Through Medical School.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

by Deepak Chopra M.D.

When I was 22, my whole life was planned out. I was succeeding as a student at the All-India Medical Institute, expecting to graduate at the top of my class.

Everything was on track, and frankly, if 68-year-old Deepak showed up to give advice, I would have ignored him, assuming as the young and cocky do, that he’d be better off heeding my advice.

What I didn’t know at 22 was how soon and how drastically life can go off track. I went into my oral exams with the challenge of diagnosing a patient on the spot being given no advance knowledge. My patient turned out to have quite a rare condition, and I nailed it. Unfortunately, the judge for the exam came from a rival medical school, and he failed me on the grounds that I had cheated — someone on the faculty of our school must have leaked the diagnosis of such a rare disorder to me. It was only by dint of much begging that I was allowed to retake the exam and given a simple “pass.”

Graduating from medical school

There were other mishaps. When I showed up for my first surgical rotation, I fainted at the sight of blood. As I collapsed, my foot hit the plug for the surgeon’s electric cauterizing instrument, which shorted out. I was banished from ever returning. Then my plans to come to America for post-graduate student were threatened when the Indian government forbade anyone from taking the required test to enter the U.S. as a physician. 

My 22-year-old self needed to hear something important. Being on track is rarely workable. Setbacks, swerves, and curves await everyone. He needed to pay attention to something foreign to his nature: resilience in the face of difficulty. This means the ability to bounce back emotionally, to take no obstacle as a sign of one’s inferiority, to establish a strong sense of self that external circumstances and other people cannot undermine.  

Young Deepak managed to lick his wounds and make it through, but he did it, I am sorry to say, because some people have invincible cockiness. The cost was protracted immaturity. It would be 15 years before I actually discovered what emotional resilience and a mature self feel like. It would have been good if someone had tapped me on the shoulder a lot earlier.


Deepak Chopra, MD is the author of more than 80 books with 22 New York Times bestsellers. He serves as the founder of The Chopra Foundation and co-founder of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing. His latest book is The 13th Disciple: A Spiritual Adventure.

Write Your Comment

  1. ADom

    Thank you so much for this article, I'm currently on my second year of medical school and my first semester of first year I experienced high levels of stress and irrational worries, thank God that I started to read a lot of self-help and spiritual books. They never teach us at school about resilience and its importance. I guess it's a quality you have to learn when you fall off your horse and decide to get back. Right now I am thankful for all the things that I know, most of all faith and choosing peace in every moment. Peace and love to all!

  2. ADom

    Thank you so much for this article, I'm currently on my second year of medical school and my first semester of first year I experienced high levels of stress and irrational worries, thank God that I started to read a lot of self-help and spiritual books. They never teach us at school about resilience and its importance. I guess it's a quality you have to learn when you fall off your horse and decide to get back. Right now I am thankful for all the things that I know, most of all faith and choosing peace in every moment. Peace and love to all!

  3. Linda Glendenning

    If you haven't got it all figured out by age twenty, something us extremely wrong, the five year old has the mental capacity to make mindful decisions regardless the outcome, this mindfulness, not idiocy, the stupid mind is dull and stagnate, stating I am still learning, because you listen to these idiots whom claim to be "Spiritual", go to church! Holy See

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