September 9, 2024
Ask Deepak

Where does duality come from?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“If there is no individual, as the Advaita Vedantists say, then who is it that is making choices that are not in alignment with the higher individual?”


As you indicate, there must be an experiencer for there to be experience or choice. 

Advaita Vedanta says that life is one. 

Advaita means non-dual, so Advaita Vedanta is the knowledge that reality is a unified dynamic nonlocal field of consciousness that we experience as our true self. 

The appearance of duality or separation gives rise to a false self, or experiencer that conceives of itself as independent and separate from the world it experiences.  

It is that apparently separate self that sees itself as making choices in a dualistic world.  

But from the point of view of Vedanta, all these apparent differences are in fact one underlying spiritual reality of consciousness. 

Just as ice, water, and steam can be seen as separate things or as one thing– H2O –appearing in different forms.

However, Advaita Vedanta is not a philosophy, it is preeminently a state of consciousness that only becomes practical by living that unity in enlightenment. 

You don’t attain that nondual reality intellectually, you can only live it.



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