September 17, 2024
Ask Deepak

What should we do if we feel energy?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“I recently took a Reiki I class.  

I have been searching for my spiritual path and feel that this has been something significant for me to learn. 

I plan to continue to take the next Reiki classes and also other healing classes and see where this leads me to.  

Ever since my attunement in my Reiki I class, I now receive vibrations.

This happens a lot when I am practicing Reiki, but it also comes to me at all different times.

Sometimes I wake up with it in the middle of the night and it feels as if Reiki is being done to me and that I am releasing some old issues from my body.

Sometimes it feels like I pick up vibrations from other people, people that I don’t know, that I see on TV or out in public.

Sometimes it may be a place that I am at, especially if this is a place with deep spiritual connections, and it also happens when I am upset.  

I am not understanding all of this.

I recognize that I have been given a gift that I need to pursue and am willing to follow this for as far as it takes me, but I was wondering if you have heard of this or if you have some factual explanation for what is happening to me, and if I need to figure out a way to block some of this from me.  

Also when I am practicing Reiki, I can feel whatever is coming out of the person, is going through me, and then all of a sudden it is released.  

I intend to continue to practice Reiki- but any suggestions or thoughts that you have would be greatly appreciated.”


It sounds like your Reiki practice is starting to make you more receptive to all kinds of subtle influences around you. 

What you will want to do is become more adept at using your attention to attract only those influences that are helpful and healing for your process. 

Right now you are opening yourself to everything in your environment—like having the windows down in your car during a windstorm. 

You want to learn to make yourself available only to the vibrations that are useful for the task at hand.  

As you become more familiar with this process of tuning in, it will no longer be chaotic or confusing to you. 



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How AI Can Elevate Spiritual Intelligence and Personal Well-Being
September 17, 2024
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