September 18, 2024
Ask Deepak

What should we desire when meditating?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“I first learned meditation with a consultant here in Rio de Janeiro about sixteen years ago and though I did not become a regular practitioner, I learned from the very beginning its benefits like concentration and a clear mind that always helped me in my profession as a pilot and in my personal life.

Years later I found your books through my wife and since then I have become a great fan of your work. 

Through NAMASTE and your writings, I keep in touch with you and your fellows.

Today meditation has proved to be of great help when I got unemployed due to bankruptcy of the airline where I have worked for the last nineteen years, and though I am already flying for another major airline I feel for hundreds of friends still unemployed.

Today when I dive into the field of infinite possibilities I do not know what to desire for my thoughts. 

I still feel the benefits of the practice such as excellent health, a clear mind, and concentration, but with some opportunities for jobs abroad I feel lost or insecure due to new requirements, and then I do not know what to desire.

That may seem infantile not to know what to want but this is how I feel confronted with some different possibilities that upsets me. 

I expected to solve it through meditation simply choosing the best option. 

But when I meditate I have no special intention regarding any of my options. 

Am I practicing the detachment unconsciously?”


You do not need to desire anything when you meditate. 

When you are meditating, your awareness is given the opportunity to settle down and experience its non-active, unqualified state of being. 

Desiring and manifesting is something you do separately from your meditation practice. 

Introducing your desires during meditation interferes with the natural process of the mind settling down. 

If you are not sure what to desire for yourself after meditation, that is all right. 

It sounds like things are going well for you with your easy, go-with-the-flow approach. 

For your friends, you can hold the wish in your heart that they receive the support and opportunities they need to help them get employment.



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September 17, 2024
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