October 21, 2024
Ask Deepak

What if we can’t find our life purpose?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“Most of us have to work and I believe that you should do something which brings you fun, joy, fulfillment and pleasure or you are living a very unfulfilled life. 

I am speaking from experience. 

If you love what you do, then being paid to do it should simply be a 

great side benefit of what you do – not purely a function of why you do it – which is what a lot of us seem to do. 

We should all have this – this should be our birthright. 

What is the point of being here if we don’t know our niche, our passion in life? 

I find this an exasperating frustration and it constantly plays on my mind and has for a long time. 

How can each and every one of us find something we were born to do?”


If you don’t know what your passion in life is, then your point in being here is to find out.

Just because you are not one of those who has always known what they were born to do, that doesn’t mean there has been some mistake, or that you don’t have one.

It means that discovering your purpose is a major component of your purpose. 

Don’t feel sorry for yourself because it’s not easy or obvious, embrace the challenge, and enjoy the journey of self-discovery.



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