What does it mean when we experience coincidences?.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
“A recent experience I had while visiting Paris has me wondering what (exactly) it was.
While window shopping, I was drawn to a pair of sandals.
I said while trying them on “These look like Cleopatra sandals.”
Two hours later while walking on a busy street in Paris, something fell to my feet.
I picked it up.
It was a Cleopatra bookmark.
I kept it.
The next morning, with room service, a beautiful cat walked into our room.
I asked her name.
Of course, Cleopatra!!!
Is there some kind of explanation for this?”
This is a nice experience of synchronicity and it gives you a glimpse into the marvelous in endless ways our experience of the world can be tied together.
I don’t think there is any deep mystery to unravel here, I think it just shows a lighthearted peek into Nature’s workings.
Your playful attitude when shopping for sandals set the cast of mind that then pulled the string of events together into a theme.