When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
Being of Asian origin, I have read much about spiritual visions of light, gods, etc.. How can one distinguish between an authentic vision and a mere imagination of the mind, perhaps a mental problem? I have heard from a few people that they experienced visions, even Paul Brunton says he had one when he visited India. I am currently meditating every day, praying, and listening to bhajans/mantras, and am curious as to whether visions can be authentic and how to recognize them.
Evaluating visions, like evaluating most things, is a matter of common sense. If you have a history of mental problems, hallucinations, and high suggestibility, then you should be skeptical about visions. If you are a responsible, productive, practical-minded person, who has a vision that is life-affirming or creative, then it probably is a valid experience of the opening of one’s consciousness.
Seeing some light and colors beyond the typical sensory light is not that uncommon, and generally indicates some perceptual ability opening up. You don’t need to give it much consideration one way or another since it has a neutral content.
If you get a vision of a god or goddess, then you should be more discriminative. If the overall content or upshot of the experience is positive, humbling, and loving, then those are all encouraging signs. On the other hand, consider whether the experience makes you feel special, powerful, or singled out for some unique message. Those are danger signs and should make you suspicious that this experience is appealing to or being hijacked by your ego. In that case, forget about it and consciously move on to something practical. That vision, even if it is real will not benefit you on your journey to self-realization.