March 31, 2016

Thinking in the Gap.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


My question is this.  Is it possible to have any thoughts while in the “gap”?  If thoughts are present in the “gap” does that indicate that we are not in the “gap”?  Once in the “gap”, what should I be experiencing?  Do thoughts exist when manifesting destiny?  Maybe this will be answered once I read the entire book, but I would like your insight.


You can have thoughts while in the gap after you have cultured enough familiarity in that state of silent awareness. Initially, when you are in the gap, as soon as you have a thought, that mental activity brings you out of that stillness of consciousness. After some time, you are able to have a vague feeling, and still stay in that state of awareness. As that develops, you will then be able to entertain a quiet impulse or intention while you remain in the gap. Ultimately, you will be able to do any physical or mental activity while the mind stays in contact with that field of all possibilities.



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  1. Daniel Sneeden

    If you are a friendly person that also loves Deepak Chopra, then send me a friend request..let's connect friend.

  2. Daniel Sneeden

    If you are a friendly person that also loves Deepak Chopra, then send me a friend request..let's connect friend.

  3. Daniel Sneeden

    If you are a friendly person that also loves Deepak Chopra, then send me a friend request..let's connect friend.

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