When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
Thirty-one years ago I learned meditation, plus my 4th advanced mantra, and the yoga sutras of Patanjali, from a well-known organization. After some years my mantra ceased to do anything, perhaps because I had achieved that which we called ‘CC’. Eventually I stopped doing my mantra and sutras.
Recently I began stating aloud ‘I Am’, or ‘I Am That’, affirming the connection with my higher Self, frequently throughout the day. I had no expectations, but have begun to notice that it feels like a sutra. After only a few weeks, I am experiencing a strong soul connection and receiving much spiritual understanding. I often have experiences in the relative that we used to call ‘unity’. It is so easy and effortless and with none of the un-stressing. This connection is making a profound difference in my view of life.
My question is, have I created a sutra in doing this simple thing, and what might be the outcome of this? Do you feel it is possible to achieve complete ‘unity consciousness’ by this method? And, now that I am so connected, perhaps I should return to my old sutras… maybe even aloud in activity. Is that wise? I have many more questions but space, and my ability to describe my experiences, are in the way.
Thank you so very much for any suggestions you may have.
It seems to me that your inner guidance is working well. Saying “I am That” is a perfectly good sutra to use, and is even used for the final stroke of enlightenment. Whether you are at that stage or not I couldn’t tell you, but you came to this naturally and I’m sure it will only have a positive effect.
You may find that you will want to ease off saying it aloud though and settle into a quiet or even a mental repetition of it. If you go back to your earlier sutras, then definitely do not say them out loud. They are not designed to work that way.