Supporting Healthy Goals for the New Year.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
by Nirmala Raniga Founder and Director Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center
The New Year provides the perfect opportunity to create healthy changes in our lives, as it marks a time of closure to the experiences of the past year and offers the optimism of fresh, new beginnings.
No matter what our specific goals or New Year’s resolutions may be, we are all ultimately seeking greater fulfillment and happiness.
An ideal way to improve our health and happiness is to take a holistic perspective by setting small, achievable goals to improve each area of life.
Our mind, body, spirit, relationships and environment are all interconnected, meaning stress or imbalance in one area has an impact on the others. Taking steps to enhance each of these areas can be a helpful way to integrate change and promote overall wellbeing.
Strategies for a Healthy Mind
We have all heard the expression that “thoughts become things”.
Dr. Deepak Chopra explains that our thoughts determine our behavior and our perceptions. In this way, the decisions we make can affect our choices, emotions and our biology.
Set Goals with an Open Mind. Having a vision of your goal is important, but like planting a seed in the ground, you must allow your intention room to grow. By keeping an open mind, you allow your desire to unfold in creative ways, seeing the unexpected as opportunities, rather than obstacles.
Meditate Regularly. Research has shown that regular meditation reduces stress hormones and leads to a decrease in anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Integrating a meditation routine into your life will support you in both achieving your goals and will contribute to your overall wellness.
Tips for a Healthy Body
Many diseases of the body are a result of our lifestyle. Consciously treating our physical body with care through proper rest, healthy eating and exercise, not only provides us with the physical energy we need, but also helps create a healthy mind and outlook on life.
Eat with Awareness. Developing a healthy relationship with our food also builds a healthy relationship with our bodies. Taking the time to eat nourishing foods in a mindful way provides the body with the nutrients it needs and gives us an opportunity to appreciate, that which sustains life.
Exercise and Yoga. Regular exercise such as yoga, walking or any kind of active movement is integral to health. It can relieve stress, increase vitality, stimulate digestion and help you to feel invigorated as you take on the life’s challenges and activities. The key is to breathe and enjoy the movement of your body.
Building Healthy Relationships
Vital to our wellbeing, building healthy relationships with family, friends and colleagues helps us maintain emotional balance and live happier, healthier lives.
Conscious Communication. The foundation of healthy, fulfilling relationships is having clear and conscious communication. Techniques such as Nonviolent communication can help us develop the ability to listen with empathy, express our needs clearly, and take responsibility for our feelings without blaming others. In this way we can build relationships based on compassion, love, and understanding.
Healthy Environment Hints
A stressful, polluted, or chaotic environment can profoundly impact our emotions and physical body. Being aware of our living spaces and consciously interacting with them can be a crucial component to promoting your happiness and health.
Consciously Clean and Declutter. Making changes to your personal environment with caring awareness is a powerful way to support healthy change. As you clear away clutter and clean your space, imagine you are getting rid of thoughts or habits that no longer serve you and making room for something new you would like to bring into your life.
Create a Sacred Space for Personal Growth. If you are starting a new routine such as yoga, meditation, journaling or healthy eating, mindfully create an area in your home that will engage your senses, and is comfortable and inviting.
Whatever your New Year’s resolutions may be, recognize that creating healthy change in your life is a process that takes time. The best way to support yourself in reaching your goals is by seeking balance on every level, creating health and fulfillment for your entire being.
Wishing you a Bright and Happy New Year…
Wishing everyone everywhere the same;Joyfulness,health,peace,and abundance.It's been a long journey practicing,and every minute of it has been worth it. (-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-: (-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:(-:
Same to you.
I truly love Deepak Chopra