October 19, 2018

Spirituality and the Real World.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have a very pointed question about the nature of spirituality and the ‘real world.’ When I moved to Los Angeles, I felt I was in a very profoundly spiritual and excited place. I was eager to explore the city, eager to make friends, build a career, attract like-minded type of people, etc. I was very much into meditating, tranquil walks in nature, looking deeper into people than their superficialities and insecurities, and very much open to life itself.
This mystical place I was living in sadly seemed to get more and more bulldozed by reality the longer I was living here. Friends I trusted continually betrayed. Landlords did the same. Jobs were harrowing and co-workers revealed themselves as some of the nastiest gossips and toxic people I have ever encountered. Lovers were even worse. I don’t understand this. I feel like the more spiritual and trusting I became, the more people perhaps sensed I was this marshmallow of gullibility or possibly just an alien from another planet. Like I set myself up in a way, to be too kind, or too forgiving, or too available to see their pain, their divinity, or maybe I was just too soulful in matters that for ‘typical’ LA residents were essentially cut and dry. Discernment is a tricky thing, and it has led to a lot of heartache and feelings of spiritual betrayal, and a belief at times that spirituality in too strong a dose can actually leave you vulnerable for attack by the ‘mortal realm.’
I guess my question is: when walking the path toward evolutionary states of consciousness, and everything around you feels like a torrent of predatory energy, how do you balance staying spiritually-centered and not allow yourself to become so ‘cosmic’ you lose touch with reality? How do you rise up and assert your soul and feel empowered in a world, when so few operate from within a higher realm of consciousness to begin with?


I think you are ready to expand your concept of spirituality to encompass the ‘real world’ just as it is. A spiritual life that depends on others living up to your ideal of what they should or shouldn’t be doing is not practical.  People are going to be just what they are—sometimes loving and compassionate, sometimes devious and cruel. What they say or do does not impact on your spirituality, whether you make the moment a toxic, superficial experience or a deep spiritual experience depends entirely on you.  Don’t get me wrong, your meditation and tranquil walks are important, but they are a way to give you an unshakable basis to spiritually engage in the world the way it is right now. Meditation and connection to like-minded souls are practices to cement your identity to your core truth, they are not meant to be a separate spiritual reality to escape to and an ideal you expect others to live up to. If you can let go of your story of how the spiritual people of Los Angeles are supposed to act, then you will be free of the disappointment, betrayal and heartache you have been going through. In fact, people are simply being who they are, and doing their best with what they know at the time.



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    Hi, I have found that life is going to be here as it is, and it is up to us to bypass the negative influences by not ignoring them, but instead by letting all the negative feelings and thoughts we create from the negative catalysts that people and circumstances bring our way by being Aware that they are needed in order for us to truly heal. And as we learn to keep practicing the aspects of Awareness, Presence and Positive Giving Intentions, we heal quicker, those negative catalysts do not bother us as much, and we by virtue of what I call Acts of Synchronicity/Miracles, find the people, environments and situations that help us become our Truer Selves. If you would like to communicate more, you can reach me at ronfiggy@gmai.com. Peace, Love and Freedom, Ronnie


    Hi, I have found that life is going to be here as it is, and it is up to us to bypass the negative influences by not ignoring them, but instead by letting all the negative feelings and thoughts we create from the negative catalysts that people and circumstances bring our way by being Aware that they are needed in order for us to truly heal. And as we learn to keep practicing the aspects of Awareness, Presence and Positive Giving Intentions, we heal quicker, those negative catalysts do not bother us as much, and we by virtue of what I call Acts of Synchronicity/Miracles, find the people, environments and situations that help us become our Truer Selves. If you would like to communicate more, you can reach me at ronfiggy@gmai.com. Peace, Love and Freedom, Ronnie

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