October 30, 2016

Self-Realized Teachers.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


More and more often I get mails and see ads like this:

Going through a series of ever deepening realisations spiritual teacher so-and-so opened up into the pure nature of himself and humanity – pure consciousness.   Inspired to share his realisations, he is moved to give talks globally to those who seek peace, freedom, love and truth. He speaks passionately not only of absolute truth but also… etc. etc.

Are people who claim they are self-realised really that? Are they enlightened, or do they “only” have experiences of higher levels of consciousness but still are trapped by the ego?

But maybe sometimes they don’t claim anything, only the followers do… but they do seem to like those posters with a big picture of themselves…


They might be enlightened; they might not be. There is no external sign or evaluation you can use to determine whether they are or not. Nevertheless, many are sincere and often have something valuable to share. I think that as a spiritual aspirant, it is more important for you to decide if they have something worthwhile to help you on your path right now or not, rather than whether they are fully enlightened or not. Strange as it may sound, there are enlightened souls tucked away in monasteries and remote mountains, and as illumined as they are, they may not have a life purpose in teaching or guiding others. On the other end of the spectrum we have all experienced dim, or difficult individuals who have inadvertently taught us invaluable lessons. So rather than worry about the level of someone’s enlightenment (which is unknowable anyway) trust that you have all the spiritual guidance or can get all the guidance you need right now if you look around you with an open heart and mind.



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  1. Jane Johnson

    So totally in tune with both the question and your illuminative answer. In plain speech, consciousness is all around and within us, just waiting for realisation - which is obtainable by focusing and looking, and being open to the help that is there, often from unsusoected sources. Thank you for sharing your unique insights and guidance, in a non imposing way, for all those seeking to find themselves, the truth, the spiritual path, or a more harmonious way of living in this life.

  2. Jane Johnson

    So totally in tune with both the question and your illuminative answer. In plain speech, consciousness is all around and within us, just waiting for realisation - which is obtainable by focusing and looking, and being open to the help that is there, often from unsusoected sources. Thank you for sharing your unique insights and guidance, in a non imposing way, for all those seeking to find themselves, the truth, the spiritual path, or a more harmonious way of living in this life.

  3. Jane Johnson

    So totally in tune with both the question and your illuminative answer. In plain speech, consciousness is all around and within us, just waiting for realisation - which is obtainable by focusing and looking, and being open to the help that is there, often from unsusoected sources. Thank you for sharing your unique insights and guidance, in a non imposing way, for all those seeking to find themselves, the truth, the spiritual path, or a more harmonious way of living in this life.

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