When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
Can you please define Samadhi as you understand it, in simple terms? How do I compare the visions that I sometimes experience in meditation (blue sky; ocean waves that light up the screen as my eyes are closed, etc.) to samadhi.
As you might have guessed, samadhi has come to mean many things and indeed in the Vedic literature you can find a list of various types of samadhi ranging from a simple focus of attention up to and including mahasamadhi in which one consciously leaves the physical body while in a state of unity thereby merging with the oneness of the universe.
The simplest usage for samadhi is the state of self-awareness in meditation where the mind is still, and consciousness is open to itself without thoughts or feelings. In meditation, this is perfect stillness where there is no thought, image, mantra or sensation—just self-awareness. This is the silent witness nature of consciousness where it is both the knower and the known.
The word “samadhi” is made up of sama which means evenness, expansiveness, and dhi which refers to the finest quality of intellect or that which cognizes within us. So samadhi is that quality of knowingness that is still and unbounded.