March 10, 2025
Ask Deepak

Rishis and Zen.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


First, could you recommend a good book on the history of the Vedic Rishis, if there is such a thing?  I have not found much out there.

Secondly, when it comes to using meditation to achieve stillness towards liberation, it seems that we have two camps: one tells us to “do” a lot of things, the other, to just sit.  Zen, of course, is squarely in the second camp, although there is chanting and a few other things by and large we just sit.  I wonder how you feel about the Zen approach.

Thank you for your time and wonderful insights.


I haven’t discovered much written material about Vedic rishis either. But to get pointed in the right direction, you can’t do much better than David Frawley’s two books,Wisdom of the Ancient Seers and Gods, Sages and Kings.

Regarding Zen, I think it is a wonderful and powerful approach. What is more important, however, is finding a practice that suits your temperament.  After all, most of these paths have proven their effectiveness for thousands of years, so they all work. You want to find something that suits your nature so that you will be drawn to do it every day.



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