April 15, 2019

Remembering Past Lives.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Why don’t we remember? Why is it when we incarnate into the physical, we forget our true self or where we were before our birth. We have spent much more time on “the other side” so to speak, then we have spent here on Earth, yet there is not one memory of it. Remembering where we were before we were born would make life so much more enjoyable – there would be no fear of death, and we would be able to accept the death of people we Love with more ease.
Is it wrong to have a huge interest in life after death? Sometimes it scares me, because I feel more of a interest in what could come after this life, then in this actual life.


Aside from the rare individuals who do remember fragments of their past lives, the reason we don’t remember previous lives is because it is not helpful for our present growth. Too much memory only clutters and burdens the mind and draws attention away from the present moment where our consciousness needs to be.

Even our everyday experiences of the present are made possible and coherent only because we filter out most of the   data that comes into our senses. We select a small bit of that ocean of information and process it into a picture of our reality. Without limiting our experience and our memories into what is useful and appropriate, we would be incapacitated with a deluge of information.

It’s not wrong to have an interest in life after death, but you need to ask yourself “how is that interest helping you live your life more fully right now?”



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  1. Mustafa Mamdouh Taha

    Sir why am I here? , I'm tired and lost I started medication amplify and I am numb and lost Why god sent me here why the pain so many whys .... If there is a wisdom .. am I useful or life is just with no meaning

  2. Mustafa Mamdouh Taha

    Sir why am I here? , I'm tired and lost I started medication amplify and I am numb and lost Why god sent me here why the pain so many whys .... If there is a wisdom .. am I useful or life is just with no meaning

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