Overcoming Bad Thoughts.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
What if your thoughts always seem to want to make bad things happen to you almost like you are not in control of them, how do you overcome this? Also if you meditate and everything is good for a while then your thoughts come firing back with even more force. What I am saying is when I ignore my thoughts they seem angry and come back with more negative force than before. What should I do?
The best way to gain control over your thought process is not through willpower or control, it is through self-awareness. Krishnamurti put it well when he said: The highest form of human intelligence is to observe yourself without judging yourself. That means you bring your attention to your inner observer or experiencer, and away from the thoughts you are experiencing. This is a much deeper process than ignoring the thoughts. That still involves you in a relationship with them. By knowing yourself as distinct from the thoughts and feelings you will no longer feel controlled by them. As your higher self becomes more established, the unconscious forces impelling the thoughts will dissipate and the thoughts will stop on their own.