May 14, 2020

Our Purpose.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


A reverend at my church stated “Our purpose is to discover our purpose.”

How do we discover our purpose? Does anyone ever know what it is in this lifetime?



Discovering your purpose means finding out what you are uniquely able  to do, to give and to learn during this lifetime, so the time to discover it is during this life. We are all unique souls with particular strengths and talents that equip us to fulfill our life purpose. The key to finding our life purpose is in knowing what those strengths are and then asking how I can use those abilities to help myself and others evolve. For some people their purpose is accompanied with a driving ambition and deep passion, so it is easy to recognize. For others, it is more of a quiet feeling of knowing what feels most comfortable and meaningful, and discovering that may require deep reflection and honesty. 



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  1. Joseph Paulson

    I am Jo Paulson from Bangalore India. I have been deeply inspired by the Law of Dharma. I have put together a structured and objective process of discovering your life purpose using 8 online assessments which I have described in my recently published e-book in Amazon. The link is here. It is free on Kindle. Regards,

  2. Joseph Paulson

    I am Jo Paulson from Bangalore India. I have been deeply inspired by the Law of Dharma. I have put together a structured and objective process of discovering your life purpose using 8 online assessments which I have described in my recently published e-book in Amazon. The link is here. It is free on Kindle. Regards,

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February 19, 2013

Our Purpose.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


A reverend at my church stated “Our purpose is to discover our purpose.” How do we discover our purpose? Does anyone ever know what it is in this lifetime?


Discovering your purpose means finding out what you are supposed to do and learn during this lifetime, so the time to discover it is during this life. We are all unique souls with particular strengths and talents that equip us to fulfill our life purpose. The key to finding our life purpose is in knowing what those strengths are and then asking how I can use those abilities to help myself and others evolve. For some people their purpose is accompanied with a driving ambition and deep passion, so it is easy to recognize. For others, it is more of a quiet feeling of knowing what feels most comfortable and meaningful, and discovering that may require deep reflection and honesty.

Your life purpose is not always identical with your career. It may also be conflicting if your life purpose is not what you do for a living. For example, you may be a store clerk, and part of your life purpose may be to help children grow emotionally confident. That setting may provide limited opportunities for working with children, but there still could be experiences that come up that allow you to fulfill your dharma both at work and outside of work. Life purpose is something that can also evolve over time. We need to be receptive and attentive to the opportunities that are given to us to fulfill our dharma every day.


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  1. Lise

    @ Marie Dumont: When I was about 4 years old I, I was standing in the bathroom hair mindlessly looking up into the reflection of the mirror and combing my hair .... All of a sudden I _remembered_ that I had been someone else and somewhere else before I was *me*. Then I tried to remember who I was and where I was before I was "this me" ... but all I could see in my mind`s eye was misty clouds (not sure what that was exactly). Then I thought, why am I here and "this me"? All of a sudden I remembered. I remembered that I was here and this me because there was something that I had to do and then I would move on. The thought was very comforting to me. I didn`t think to wonder what exactly I was supposed to do. (I now very much wish I had!) I also remembered that I really knew a WHOLE lot. But, that for whatever reason, it was sort of like being behind a curtain. And that right now I didn`t have access to it all, but it was there... behind that curtain. These memories have stayed with me always. I`m still trying to figure out what it is that I`m supposed to do in this life. I hope that I figure it out.

  2. Stacy

    After my I losing my Job, I started to get heart palpitations and anxiety attacks for over 2yrs. I went to my cardiology and he stated my heart is fine and he doesn`t know why am having palpitations. Can I still be in shock after 2 yrs. Now I feel down all the time and depress. Plz shed show light for me. Blessed love.

  3. bill

    Forget purpose! Purpose is revealed by actions. Actions come from just `being`. Being what? Well, your choice. So, one needs to know where he or she is now - goodness, oneness, wholeness, helpfulness? Or somewhere back from that down the selfish and evil pathway. In other words what are you living at this moment.

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