Non-Duality and Illusion.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
Dear Deepak sir,
when some of my friends who understand science very well and have well developed logical intelligence but little experience of meditation/'being' , ask "what if experience of Nisargadatta Maharaj (and other enlightened people) about non-duality – about we being all – was an illusion and not real? Sure meditation can help transmute shadow energy/vasanas/conditioning and these people got very peaceful , blissful and loving by abiding in silence. All that is fine but beyond that their experience of non duality could still be illusion. Do you have anything other than 'you would know it is real when you experience it' ? " What would your best (and still succinct) response to it sir?
thank you , sir.
Ultimately any person’s experience of reality is unprovable to another person who hasn’t shared that experience. But enlightened sages throughout the world and across the ages agree that the experience of their own self is the same as universal consciousness. So those who share the experience of awakening agree that unity is their reality, and the duality they experienced before was an illusion. Those who haven’t experienced unity and only know duality are not in a position to tell others with greater experience what the nature of their experience is. Furthermore, this state of self-realization represents full human potential in knowledge, power, health and happiness. These are very different characteristics than what you would expect of a psychotic living in a state of permanent delusion.
Non-Duality and Illusion.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
Dear Deepak sir,
when some of my friends who understand science very well and have well developed logical intelligence but little experience of meditation/'being' , ask "what if experience of Nisargadatta Maharaj (and other enlightened people) about non-duality – about we being all – was an illusion and not real? Sure meditation can help transmute shadow energy/vasanas/conditioning and these people got very peaceful , blissful and loving by abiding in silence. All that is fine but beyond that their experience of non duality could still be illusion. Do you have anything other than 'you would know it is real when you experience it' ? " What would your best (and still succinct) response to it sir?
thank you , sir.
Ultimately any person’s experience of reality is unprovable to another person who hasn’t shared that experience. But enlightened sages throughout the world and across the ages agree that the experience of their own self is the same as universal consciousness. So those who share the experience of awakening agree that unity is their reality, and the duality they experienced before was an illusion. Those who haven’t experienced unity and only know duality are not in a position to tell others with greater experience what the nature of their experience is. Furthermore, this state of self-realization represents full human potential in knowledge, power, health and happiness. These are very different characteristics than what you would expect of a psychotic living in a state of permanent delusion.
What is real....never changes. It is constant. Everything in this world, everything that is about you is subject to change: your body, your mind and everything you perceive. The real can not be known in terms of knowledge as all knowledge is in and of this world. The real can only be known through being "it". The real is silence and in this silence there is no you, me and god. We are all one. In silence there are no differences, no competitions, no judgement, no beliefs and no opinions. It is the only realm we all come together as one and are One. Everything else is an illusion.
People become concerned with being more humble than other people....
hahaha! you missed it again , dear heartphone :) deepak sir simply saying that all these sages who claiming that their true nature is of unity , either their experience real or else they must be psychotics living in permanent delusion. but if they were psychotics living in permanent delusion then how come these sages (jesus , buddha , krishna et al) having such awesome levels of knowledge , power , health , happiness. psychotics don`t have these. and he certainly not thinking that dawkins is psychotic :) dawkins is a brilliant scholar of materialistic science . he is also ignorant and clueless with regards to teachings of jesus, buddha,vashishtha yoga et al , but he definitely no psychotic. he is brilliant at the level of reality he living at. it is just that he can choose to live at a much higher level - level of jesus, buddha et al :) and also , i am sure deepak sir loves and respect people of usa and canada as much as i do (like me he is also american citizen) :) why you do this all the time heartphone? are n`t you tired of it yet? :)