July 3, 2016

Negative Thoughts.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I was wondering if you could shed light on speaking words or having thoughts of the negative nature that either just bubble up in thoughts or are spoken in anger/rage. After viewing some public rages. I have become acutely aware of this whole vocabulary in my head that bubbles to the surface in thought…that are not the most wonderful thoughts. Are these programmed belief systems from life…that we as adults fight internally, as we realize them to be false and wrong thinking.


And when these thoughts come to the surface, do we just acknowledge the thought, and let it go. Or do we affirm the wrong thinking and counter it with a positive thought about the person or thing.


This kind of effusion of negative thoughts in the mind for someone who is on a spiritual path is generally indicative of a purification of the old mental tracks. As such, the less attention given to it the better. Certainly at a minimum you should resist the impulse to give voice to this mental toxicity. Even overanalyzing these thoughts can have the effect of reinforcing them and giving them more importance than they warrant. Think of it like letting the smoke from a burned pot go out an open window. It’s enough that the smoke is leaving and the air will be fresher, it’s not necessary to analyze the smoke as it goes.



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  1. maggie

    well articulated reply-and it rings true in the gut-however how can one be sure that it is as a result of being on a spiritual path? ML

  2. maggie

    well articulated reply-and it rings true in the gut-however how can one be sure that it is as a result of being on a spiritual path? ML

  3. maggie

    well articulated reply-and it rings true in the gut-however how can one be sure that it is as a result of being on a spiritual path? ML

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June 8, 2015

Negative Thoughts.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Where do negative thoughts come from?


I assume you mean recurring, unbidden persistent negative thoughts. They arise from the unconscious thought patterns established by  past habits. You can’t change them by trying to push them away or with will power. That is just the surface of the mind trying to control the depths of the mind. To change the thought patterns, you must go beyond the mind to pure consciousness, your true Self. That experience of your Being eventually dissolves those deep impressions and frees the mind from the past.



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  1. Inma

    Soy seguidora de Deepak desde hace 15 años, poseo muchos libros y audios de meditación, disfrutó que todo su material y conocimientos, pero pregunto. ¿pensamientos negativos, positivos? Para que nos sirven las malas o erróneas experiencias si no sabemos o no podemos aprender de ellas, si cuando debemos poner en marcha lo aprendido nos revolvemos ante nuestros sentimientos y la volvemos a liar otra vez. Nos pasamos la vida buscando el río que nos llene de paz pero no damos con él. Complicado.

  2. Inma

    Soy seguidora de Deepak desde hace 15 años, poseo muchos libros y audios de meditación, disfrutó que todo su material y conocimientos, pero pregunto. ¿pensamientos negativos, positivos? Para que nos sirven las malas o erróneas experiencias si no sabemos o no podemos aprender de ellas, si cuando debemos poner en marcha lo aprendido nos revolvemos ante nuestros sentimientos y la volvemos a liar otra vez. Nos pasamos la vida buscando el río que nos llene de paz pero no damos con él. Complicado.

  3. niki

    Thank you for bringing this subject up, I have been doing yoga and meditation and I know that a lot of the negativeness effortlessly pours out of me when I meditate, how do I know this? because afterwards I no longer feel them. But some thoughts are tenacious they stick no matter what how does one get rid of those?

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October 8, 2014

Negative Thoughts.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hello Deepak,
When I try to meditate I begin to think of negative things compounding my issues. How can I increase my ability to block these things out, my inner peace is gone.


You don’t need to block these thoughts, you only need the willingness to leave them and return to meditation once you realize you aren’t thinking the mantra. For that you need to understand the role that thoughts have in meditation. When you begin meditating you are engaging a process of diving deep into silence, and then emerging out into thoughts as old conditioning and stress get released. This then allows you to now dive more deeply. This inward and outward mental cycle continues throughout your meditation period. All thoughts that occur during this time indicate that something has been released and now you are ready to return to the mantra and dive inward again. It doesn’t matter if the thoughts are negative, positive or neutral. They all are just signals that the outward phase of mediation is complete and you are ready to resume the inward phase.



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  1. ask

    Buenas noches cada manana despertaba con una tristeza o melancolía en mi corazon que no sabia que era, pensaba en mis hijos, en mi familia, aunque estoy lejos de ellos me daba cuenta que no era su ausencia lo que me daba esa tristeza, no sabia que me causaba ese sentimiento, pensaba que era algo muy lejano, como del universo pero muy lejano, no entendia que era, hasta que empece a escuchar y a ver los vídeos de Deepak y he entendido muchas cosas, ahora trato de meditar cada madrugada y me siento mas tranquila, aunque no es fácil tratar de vivir el ahora, pues las ocupaciones diarias me distraen, me gustaría aprender mas el como vivir el ahora, vivir el hoy sin que mi mente me abrume de tantos pensamientos cada día, Deepak puedes darme alguna estrategia?. Un abrazo

  2. Rita Naik

    Hi Deepak Sir , I am Rita Naik from Bangalore. Could you please provide meditation tips for beginners Thank you

  3. Chef Johnny Brannigan

    One effective tip you might try is whenever a strong thought or emotion arises, then leave the mantra to one side(thats if you are using a mantra) and divert your attention to the body.Your attention can roam the body and find blockages to the flow of upward energy which may well be the cause of strong thoughts. Let the attention rest on these areas of blockage.This will help stress to be released, and will save the mind from thinking strong thoughts.Then the mind can naturally dive deeper to more satisfying levels. This will be far more effective than using effort to think the mantra and will avoid strain. Put attention on the body rather than the mantra, then return when it seems easier.

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