August 31, 2014

Natural State of Being.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Being joyful is our natural state of being.

Download our fun, new meditation app “Ananda – Infinite Abundance ” at #ananda

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  1. Linda Winchell

    Yes, everyone asks me why am I so joyful all the time? I tell them, "It's easier to be joyful than grumpy!" LOL

  2. Linda Winchell

    Yes, everyone asks me why am I so joyful all the time? I tell them, "It's easier to be joyful than grumpy!" LOL

  3. Linda Winchell

    Yes, everyone asks me why am I so joyful all the time? I tell them, "It's easier to be joyful than grumpy!" LOL

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