October 1, 2015

Music in Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


While meditating I wear headphones & listen to some movie songs. Is that it ok? Sometimes it will be good, sometimes not.


Movie songs are generally mentally and emotionally engaging, so they will pull the attention out, instead of allowing it to subside into the silence of the self. So listening to songs or music that keeps awareness at the surface level of the mind will not be conducive to effective meditation. It’s better to listen to music outside of your meditation practice.



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  1. Gumpyy Lira

    i recommend you to use binaural beats to meditate

  2. Gumpyy Lira

    i recommend you to use binaural beats to meditate

  3. Gumpyy Lira

    i recommend you to use binaural beats to meditate

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November 23, 2013

Music in Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak, I listen to your meditations, read your books and I meditate daily. My life is changing and I´m enjoying every moment of it. But I have a question. I meditate in a group, at a meditation center, once a week and the Buddhist nun who leads the sessions says that to meditate with music is not as good as to meditate in silence. She says that the music is a distraction and it makes it hard to slip into the gap. But your meditations are often with music. I enjoy with music, but now I´m getting insecure, maybe I´m not meditation, maybe I just listen to the music. So, what is best, music or not music?


If you feel refreshed after meditation, then it is effective and you don’t need to worry about whether there was background music or not. If you find that when you are deep in meditation and your mind keeps getting pulled out of the silence by the music, then it is probably a good idea to move on to silent meditation.


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  1. cheryl stockton

    I love one of the earlier 21 day meditations you did on healing and mind body. Each one was done by a teacher at your Center including DavidJi. The music was very cosmic and I would be so grateful to know who the musicians are so that I can hear more music by them. Thank you so much. with regards. Cheryl

  2. cheryl stockton

    I love one of the earlier 21 day meditations you did on healing and mind body. Each one was done by a teacher at your Center including DavidJi. The music was very cosmic and I would be so grateful to know who the musicians are so that I can hear more music by them. Thank you so much. with regards. Cheryl

  3. cheryl stockton

    I love one of the earlier 21 day meditations you did on healing and mind body. Each one was done by a teacher at your Center including DavidJi. The music was very cosmic and I would be so grateful to know who the musicians are so that I can hear more music by them. Thank you so much. with regards. Cheryl

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