December 25, 2014

Miracles and Science.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Miracles defy science; they don’t contradict it.

Find out more about Deepak's new book The Future of God at

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  1. vivian amis

    To experience miracles you have to be open to all possibilities.

  2. heartphone

    According to the tweets I have read today between deepak chopra, some of his followers and people who are dedicated to science as it is understood in the world of today I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a science of non-duality, no complementary solutions possible. As long as we live on this earth dualism will be the norm and the fight just continues: both physically and spiritually..........Sorry for that, nevertheless Happy New Year, may it indeed bring something NEW(ton) into the conversation :)

  3. Dr Neha

    miracles are relative to time and knowledge of man.whatever actions we perform are outcome of our knowledge .mos actions we perform in today s world are only through physical knowledge life.when someone higher than our understanding lives amongst us and does some action out of his higher level of understanding of life we call it a miracle.for eg Jesus Christ walked on water due to his higher understanding of the metaphysical laws of both his own body and of his surroundings. we are so engrossed in our physical bodies that we have forgotten the supernatural which is very much in built in us!!who knows tomorrow we with our hightened awareness will be able to perform the so called `miracles`...

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December 9, 2014

Miracles and Science.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Miracles defy science; they don't contradict it.

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  1. Ahmad Mansour

    Miracles assure its capability of defying logical science

  2. Dave Hensley

    Not sure I agree with this, miracles are science we don't understand yet

  3. Harsharan Kaur

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