March 14, 2025
Ask Deepak

Meaning of Life.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have been reading some of your books for a while now and one I found very interesting was the “Book of Secrets” but you seem to dodge the answer to the meaning of life or the point of life.

For many years, I have been searching for the meaning and purpose and the point of life, as life seems pretty pointless. I don’t believe that we are here just to serve god. Now, I don’t want that to sound offensive, but surely there is more to it than that.


I think I have always been direct and consistent in saying that our purpose here is self-realization. That process includes finding out what our gifts and talents are that we have to offer our fellow traveling companions. I wouldn’t want anyone to confuse the purpose of self-realization with your interpretation that the only reason we are here is to serve God.

If the notion of knowing yourself as a purpose to life seems pointless to you, then you haven’t fully understood the meaning of awakening. It is not meant as an answer the way one provides the answer to a math question. It is an answer that you have to provide yourself through your own life-learning. It’s like asking what it is to hike to the top of a mountain and then being given a map and told you need to make the climb yourself to find out.



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