February 20, 2025
Ask Deepak

Leaving a Relationship.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I am struggling with the decision to leave a relationship with someone who doesn’t want the same things I want in life…..I would like to have a long term relationship and eventually children……He already has children, and a life that is very busy, to say the least….He wants me in his life for enjoyment, but not another responsibility…………..This relationship has been off and on for 5 years….When I let go and have no expectations the love flows…when I begin to fear I will pass up my time in life to have children and a more consistent relationship, I get all obsessive and attached, I don’t like this in me, so then I choose to end the relationship………..but then I feel like I’m giving up on the love that exist, if I just allow it………I struggle with my decision to leave, because this connection has been the deepest I’ve ever experienced, and to let it go doesn’t feel right…but then again neither does staying………Please be frank with me…I really need support in moving forward…………I’ve been reading the Path to Love…but I don’t think I fully get it……I don’t see how having no expectations and being unattached is the best place to be….since it seems to be keeping me hopeful in a relationship that is not in agreement with what I “want”……are my wants even valid?….should I be so concerned with children and someone who has more time for me, than in sharing and learning about love on a deep level?………….I appreciate any advice you have…….


What you want seems valid to me. If you want a solid relationship with children, then clearly you need to move on. Even if the relationship satisfies some of your needs and provides a deep connection, there is no reason to believe you won’t feel an even deeper love and connection with someone who has the time and interest to start a family with you.

The expectations that inhibit love in a relationship are the ego demands and fear that inhibit the free flow of love. I don’t think your issues are egoistic. I believe this is your soul pointing you to a larger, more satisfying love, and what is being asked of you is finding the courage to let go of what you have, trusting that something much grander is in store for you.



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