Least Effort.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
I am reading The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. In the chapter The law of least effort, I see it says – When you seek money for personal gain only, you cut off the flow of energy to yourself, and interfere with the expression of nature’s intelligence. What does this mean and why does it cut off the flow of energy to yourself and interfere with the expression of nature’s intelligence? If I decide to set the intention to manifest $250,000 or create it through investing or working purely so I can buy a boat just for me because I believe I deserve it and I believe I’m worth it – how can that be energetically counterproductive?
In the context of the lesson on least effort, I was writing about how nature functions economically and effortlessly because it operates harmoniously, integrating all our individual actions with universal action. When you seek money or possessions only for your false, separate self, your ego is effectively trying to second-guess Nature’s needs and goals. You are not asking for your desires to be fulfilled in the context of the wholeness of life, but rather that they should be fulfilled on your terms because you don’t see why they should not.
Regardless of the purity of your work or your inherent “deservability,” this insistence that the universe work only for what you want, goes against the grain of how nature operates holistically.