March 12, 2025
Ask Deepak

Learning Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I’m a mechanical engineering student from Colombia. I’ve read your book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success,” and now I’m really interested in performing a total change of my living behavior by following all the instructions of the book. But, it is necessary to become a spiritual person by practicing meditation. Unfortunately, I think that this is not important for many people in Colombia- maybe not in South America either- so it is difficult to find useful information.

I understand that anyone can practice meditation, but a beginner like me must be careful of some special topics. In fact, I think that I’ll practice meditation alone. Dr. Chopra, can you please tell me a book, or an internet site where I can find reliable information about how to meditate?


A daily meditation practice is essential in order to make the knowledge in the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success functional. Otherwise, it is just inspirational knowledge. If you want a simple meditation that you can learn on your own, then you can do the So Hum meditation, where you think the sound “so” when you inhale, and the sound “hum” when you exhale.  Just do this easily while observing your breath for 20 minutes in the morning and evening.

If you are looking for information about a more structured type of meditation practice,  such as my Primordial Sound Meditation, you can look for meditation instructors on this website. There you will find Primordial Sound Meditation instructors in Columbia that you can contact.



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