September 20, 2024
Ask Deepak

Is it possible to confuse signs for intuition?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“I am wondering if the power of intent can overpower a question asked to the universe. 

For example, if a question has been answered to you through a sign of the universe, is it possible that if the intent is powerful enough, it has manifested into the sign you were looking for, and the universe has not actually answered your question?”


If I understand you correctly, you are asking if your strong desire for an outcome, say getting accepted for a job, could lead you to interpret events around you as responses from the universe that you will get the job. 

Yes, it can. 

It happens all the time. 

That is what happens when you confuse your intention with Nature’s response. 

Sometimes it happens because we have not developed the ability to listen to the universe quietly and dispassionately. 

Listening can also be biased because we are afraid of not getting what we want, so we hear or see what we want. 

However, if you rest in the understanding that you will always get exactly those experiences that your soul needs to evolve, then you can relax with whatever response you get, and in that, you will find it much easier to interpret and accept what comes your way.



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