July 26, 2024
Ask Deepak

Is it possible for us to have no thoughts?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“Is it possible not to have thoughts?

 Like Sadh Guru says…even when he is talking….no thoughts all day?

I think only when I close my eyes, or stare, or focus my attention on one point with practice, I have learned to stop thoughts, but ‘IS THIS SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE to have no thoughts all day?”


I consider all conscious mental activity to be thought. 

Hearing a bird chirp or seeing an apple is a thought. 

So an enlightened or unenlightened mind can entertain thoughts just by virtue of being awake and sensing the world. 

The deeper question is ‘Who is having thoughts? 

For the unenlightened, the separate self or ego believes it has, or creates the thoughts in the mind. 

There is a sense of ownership or authorship with thoughts, and the sense of self is identified with those thoughts.  

For the enlightened soul, there may be the mental activity of thoughts, but the predominant sense of selfhood is pure, silent consciousness. 

Thoughts are not who you are, and they don’t belong to you. 

Thoughts belong to the universe and are merely passing through your field of awareness. 

In that sense, I can understand an enlightened soul not having thoughts.



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