February 6, 2025
Ask Deepak

Interplanetary Reincarnation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I am curious – Presuming… Time does not exist outside of this life course.

The Universe is an infinite entity. We reincarnate… Do we always come back to this planet?

I ask because I can easily perceive of life, as we know it, no longer being able to inhabit this planet at some future point in time. It seems to me if we are souls in a living Universe – we can pretty much morph into anything and go anywhere. I just finished “Life After Death” – a great read with lots of information to ponder.


This is a highly speculative area, so I wouldn’t presume to say definitively where we will reincarnate if we cannot inhabit the Earth at some point in the future. However, I think there is a basic principle that applies. Just as our physical body is a useful vehicle for our soul’s evolutionary journey, so also is our physical environment, including the planet. Our inner self is not dependent upon the physical surroundings, rather it uses them for its spiritual awakening. If the Earth were no longer a viable option, presumably there would be another place the souls could use to continue its journey.



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