August 6, 2013

Infinite Possibilities.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Because consciousness and its evolution are infinite in possibility, do you think that a single unified theory such for science is impossible? And even over time even M-Theory will need to evolve?


For a complete theory of everything, we will need an approach that includes and explains the qualitative aspects of life as well as the quantitative aspects. Mathematical formulas alone cannot explain how consciousness loves, creates art, laughs, or feels inspired. It’s one thing for a theory to account for the emergence of subatomic particles, but it’s something else altogether to account for consciousness and human experience.


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  1. Sky

    Mind (Sensations, Emotions, Thoughts, dreams, ..) isn`t awareness (ex. sensations aren`t aware of other sensations) Experience of being aware & boundless (existing without mind) isn`t awareness -It can`t hold more then few bits of info (ex. numbers) at a time; -It`s not aware of most sensations, thoughts, stimuli sensed by the body; -Can`t decide anything (decisions are made even prior to the experience of them) Subtle sentiment that the void permeating all experience is aware (even if not in experience way, no experience/sense of self/existing/being awareness) isn`t awareness All these are expressions/manifestations of awareness What if experience/sensations are expressions of intuition/awareness existing beyond & even without experience & which knows information encoded in stimuli, DNA, cells, memory What if quarks, molecules, DNA, cells, are expressions of intuition/awareness, manifestations of awareness that knows information encoded in laws of physics/chemistry, .. What if laws of physics/chemistry/biology, etc. are expressions of intuition, of awareness/knowing information encoded in .. (itself?) Perhaps there is only awareness/knowing/intuition (supreme reality/intelligence) & expression (including experience) of it (laws of nature/universe & nature/universe)

  2. 21dayblissreceiver

    hello Depac and Opra rhe 21 day of meditation is simply bliss and deeply felt tyvm

  3. Anita Kanwar

    I'm not able to access the 21 day meditation link. Any suggestion

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May 15, 2013

Infinite Possibilities.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Once self-awareness dawns in you, the questions you can ask about yourself, about how you think and feel, have no limit. Self-aware questions are the keys that make consciousness expand, and when that happens, the possibilities are infinite. 

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  1. Love Namore

    I love myself

  2. Blanca Bedolla Bañuelos

    Mr. Chopra, I've read some of your books as well as from other authors such a Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden, Eckhart Tolle, etc.. In a way you all speak of The Law of Attraction -We are what we think, Our thoughts are powerful as they are energy that materializes/gives form and so on... However, I recently came across some new and different info "The Law of the inverted Effect". What I've read and heard about this law is that this law works in both planes -mental and physical, so in the mental plane in order for us to achieve something we have to think positive about what we want, we must desire it, imagine it BUT not expect it to happen and not keep our hopes up, else in the physical plane we will get the opposite..I am really confused now .. Could you give me your input.. Thank you in advance!

  3. Leslie Grace Swiednicki

    my computer's limited connectivity

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January 8, 2012

Infinite Possibilities.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Do trust in the future, which is full of infinite possibilities. Don't fall prey to short-term setbacks.

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  1. Chico

    The future is now! Future is only in your mind. Future is futile. The now is infinite.

  2. Ruth Snow Fyffe

    Two bouts of cancer, a tumour, loads of surgery (still ongoing), chemo, divorce and it has all made me into a much better human being. I have no time for superficiality now. Namaste Deepak xx

  3. Gutierrez Hickson Lemilia

    I`m still recovering can`t tell you. I agree with you the future ahead is brighter and and without limitation. could luck also play a role Dr Chopra? :-)

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