July 18, 2024
Ask Deepak

How can we overcome self-doubt?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“I’ve just turned 30 years old, and recently a desire came up that I wish to expand my vocation and my passions and pursue them abroad, either in the US or the UK. 

I live in Southeast Asia, and I DO believe it is possible to achieve the ‘big things’ I am trying to achieve. 

Often I feel caught in the rut of ‘That’s impossible!’ 

To be sure, I do NOT desire anything that violates the laws of nature like being able to levitate or walk in outer space without a helmet. 

Upon self-examination, I believe I can mutually benefit the people I desire to collaborate with in business. 

But what property of Consciousness or Awareness in Manifesting desires can help us break that mental concept that it is ‘too big’ or ‘way too hard’ to manifest? 

I consciously am aware of your teachings, in fact, I own The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire – but this is my current roadblock, the thought that ‘it’s way too far’ or ‘it’s over there’ and ‘I’m over here.’

How do I shift my Consciousness efficiently so I don’t get caught in the rut of ‘here and there’ or ‘big and small’?” 


The quality of consciousness that shows us that no desire is too big is that pure awareness is a field of infinite possibilities. 

Nothing is bigger than the universe, and that has emerged from the silent field of pure potentiality. 

It is not only the source of everything in existence, it is the source of everything we can conceive of. 

Our silent awareness is creativity itself. 

Knowing that the unlimited power, creativity, and intelligence of the cosmos is as close as your next thought should be is enough to keep you from doubting your limits. 



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