July 24, 2024
Ask Deepak

How can we overcome fear of pursuing our dreams?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“I have this big dream that I want to fulfill but the thing is…I’m TERRIFIED. 

Fear is what’s holding me back. 

I love what I want to do but at the same time, I procrastinate to avoid the huge anxiety which always leaves me in the same place. 

So, I don’t really know what to do. 

This is my purpose; my heart is in this dream but if I keep procrastinating I’m never going to actually achieve it. 

What should I do?”


Your fear is telling you that if you act, then you will fail, or be judged harshly in some way. 

So you believe you are saving yourself the pain of failure and rejection by avoiding action. 

The fact is you do not know what the future will be, and your fear is lying to you by telling you that it does know the future. 

That in itself should be enough to show you that fear is never a reliable guide—especially when it comes to pursuing your dreams.

Secondly, consider the anxiety, discomfort, and emotional turmoil this present state of fear keeps you in. 

It hasn’t spared you from pain at all. Instead of helping you avoid potential future pain, it has actually put you in present agitation and paralysis. 

That also shows you that listening to fear is always bad advice.

Admit that you don’t truly know what your path forward will be, but you know for certain what your present is and will continue to be as long as you are guided by fear. 

Go ahead and act with the understanding that it’s okay to admit you don’t know that future. 

Begin your adventure and see what your life unfolds.



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