How can we lose weight successfully?.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
“All my life I have tried to lose weight, and have managed to several times.
But now that I am older the problem is worse than ever, and I feel like such a failure because I am about 60 lbs overweight, and the more I try to muster the effort to discipline myself the worse the situation becomes and the more weight I gain.
What is the insight I need to change my life and to be as healthy and slender as I truly want to be?”
Don’t look at this as a battle with your weight and image.
Understand that what you are trying to do is help your body find its ideal health and well-being.
This involves more than just attention to diet and exercise, you must learn to listen to the intelligence of your body.
Listen to what your body really wants to eat, not what it craves or habitually wants in order to emotionally feel better.
Learn to eat only when you are hungry and to stop eating when you notice you are not hungry anymore, instead of eating until the food is gone or you are full.
Pay close attention to the taste, smell, and sight of the food, and make sure you are eating in a pleasant, calm setting.
Your body has all the knowledge you need to regain your health.
Let it be your guide, not media images or your internal self-sabotaging self.
You might benefit from reading one of my earlier books, What Are You Hungry For?