August 27, 2024
Ask Deepak

How can we know which creation story to believe?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“In reading books based on A Course In Miracles, (ACIM) such as The Disappearance of the Universe, it is stated that our world/earth is not the creation of God but of our ego-based selves. 

Like the Prodigal Son, there was a mind-split and we sought our autonomy from God and we created the earth. 

Immediately we were burdened with guilt for leaving God, and so we keep coming back here to this world, reincarnating over and over again. 

According to the Disappearance of the Universe, the ego, in its deceitfulness, created a world that keeps us distracted from ever returning home. 

Both our problems and a beautiful sunset are the ego-created world’s attempts to keep us focused externally and away from God. 

The book states that enjoying anything beautiful like a flower and animal is falling for the ego’s trap of keeping me focused on externals. 

It’s not saying don’t enjoy them, but that ultimately it’s an illusion the ego has set up to keep you in its world. 

It is even going so far as to say that, for instance, animals that migrate are guided not by God but by ego created energy which is part of the ego created earth. 

This philosophy seems contradictory to much of what I have read elsewhere, including in your material. 

Most literature I’ve read states that consciousness/God seeks an avenue for it to experience itself through and that we choose to come back here in order to evolve. 

That the earth is God’s creation for God to experience itself through. 

Instead, the ACIM material comes across as though we come here to hide in our guilt, and that we keep returning because the guilt is so strong. 

It seems contradictory.” 


Keep in mind that all the different creation myths around the world are each designed to illuminate a particular perspective on creation and evolution. 

They are stories with different lessons. 

One might find an apparent conflict between various philosophies if you are trying to make them all tell the same from one point of view. 

In the case of ACIM, you outlined the role of deceitful ego in creating the universe to distract us from our true nature. 

Such a story for the sake of illustrating the creative power of nescience, assumes that the ego is something separate from our true nature, from God, and that the created universe is also something fundamentally apart from essence and truth. 

Your alternate point of view, that God and Consciousness manifest as means through which it can experience its full nature, is a perspective that emphasizes unity and self-knowledge throughout the process of manifestation. 

Depending upon what lesson is appropriate for one’s evolution, both narratives can be valid. 

Don’t get hung up on the literal interpretation of whether the ego or God is creating the world. 

They are just stories made up to explain experience. 

Both can be valid without negating the other.



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