August 7, 2024
Ask Deepak

How can we get unstuck from our present circumstances?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“What does it mean when a person is stuck and the life situation isn’t changing? 

When all his/her friends are gaining more and more success in life this person is left behind. 

I am in this kind of situation right now. 

I tried everything. 

I’ve read loads of classic books to be more intelligent, then Zen books, and started meditation every day for more than a year. 

I do yoga, and do my best to be kind and accepting. 

I try to help others wherever I can, pray, contemplate, ask questions in moments of silence, etc. but my life is in a kind of vacuum and emptiness, I am like a real ascetic. 

Why is it so? 

A few years ago your book “7 Spiritual Laws of Success” helped me in similar circumstances. 

I used to be immensely successful and miracles happened but then I made a series of mistakes and I think a crisis happened. 

I just can’t get through this time. 

I’ve lost so much time. 

I feel sad, useless and a loser now. 

I fell into total despair, can’t help crying every day for the last couple of weeks. 

They say I am beautiful, intelligent, and kind but what is wrong with me? 

Why is there no social success and such a meaningless life?”


There is nothing wrong with you. 

It’s not that your life situation isn’t changing, life is always in a constant state of change. 

It’s just that it is changing in ways that you don’t notice or don’t value. 

Right now you want professional success and social standing with your peers, and because that isn’t what is developing at this time in your life, you see your life as stuck. 

Feeling stuck is a perception depending on where you are looking in your life. 

Start with the understanding that everything in life is organized by the cosmic intelligence of your true self to bring you the understanding and experience you need to realize your full human potential. 

Your true self knows and manifests what you really need. 

Your ego self, which looks outside and compares itself to others to find its way, has no understanding of what you really need. 

So look at your present situation as a good phase that will lead to your next stage of growth. 

You said you feel like an ascetic, empty, and useless. 

This sounds to me like your higher self is telling you to take maximum advantage of this period of your life to find your stillness, peace, and purpose. 

This is a special time given to you for going deep within and establishing a core self that will be your foundation for success in life. 

This is not the time for great outer accomplishment. 

This is why you feel unproductive and out of step with your friends. 

That’s okay, there is a proper time for everything. 

Follow your own rhythm. 

If you listen to your inner guidance, you will use this precious time to create a sense of purpose, love, and being that will be with you for the rest of your life.



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