July 25, 2024
Ask Deepak

How can we fulfill our personal desires?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


There is something that I am really confused about: fulfilling my personal desires. 

When I listen to different teachers and coaches they contradict each other. 

From one side they say you should set an intention and focus on that and visualize it and feel it and have a reminder about it.

On the other hand, there are gurus that say you should let them go and surrender to divinity and let the divine take control of your life.

And there are some that say if you want to be happy and in peace, you should have no desire.

But I have desires and I practice spirituality and love it too. 

I don’t see them in paradoxical situations but I am confused. 

I don’t know if I should release and surrender my desires or focus on manifesting them through visualization and other methods. 

Can you please help me?”


The two approaches come down to different views as to what purpose the fulfillment of desire is aiming for. 

If the end result is intended to make the ego self satisfied and confident of its ability to get what it wants, then it makes sense to invest the intention with a lot of personal energy and focus. 

In that approach, great detail, repetition, and emotion are injected into the desire to direct every step of its manifestation.

However, if the purpose of your intention is to use your consciousness for spiritual awakening of your true self, then it is enough to have that intention from your quiet awareness and then let it go. 

By releasing the intention you invite universal intelligence and creativity to support that intention to manifest whatever is in the highest and best interest of your spiritual evolution at that time. 

And because cosmic awareness automatically factors in how that action is coordinated with the rest of the universe, it will manifest the intention in such a way that it is also in the best interests of everyone and everything else in the environment.  

The downside of the detailed approach to manifestation is that it takes lots of work, and once you get what your ego wants, you may find it doesn’t really help you or make you happy. 

The spiritual approach of letting go of your intention is easy, and since it starts in the fulfilled state of quiet awareness, it brings you growth and new expressions of yourself all while remaining in a state of fulfillment.



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