October 14, 2024
Ask Deepak

How can we be okay with negative emotions?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“It just hit me- this is what I’m supposed to do. 

Stay with it, stay with the darkness, with the emotions, not run away. 

Just be with it, in the same way I can be with my thoughts without minding them, when I’m grounded. 

I know you’ve said this, I know I’ve read it and said it, but only now do I think I’ll start doing it. 

Thoughts have been easier, emotions have always fooled me. 

Desires, fears, all of it. 

I only have to stay with them and let them flow away. 

Darkness is only scary and depressing if I run away from it, if I resist. 

That’s when I give it power and reality. 

Running after light, enlightenment… yes, it means you’re running from something.

Pleasure, pain, emotions of all kinds, thoughts… yes, I think I will open up and stay with the darkness.”


This isn’t a question, but I thought this was such a powerful insight that it would be useful to share it with others. 

Learning to remain in the self, the silent witness, and watch thoughts drift by is relatively easy. 

Emotions are trickier. 

They are stickier, and closely tied in with our sense of identity and survival. 

It represents a huge step forward when we can remain rooted in our essence and allow fear, anger, rejection and the whole host of scary emotions to flow past without seizing upon the feelings, judging ourselves and trying to make it go away. 

You are right that the real power of darkness lies in our fearful recoiling from it. 

If you simply be with it from the security of your higher self, it loses its bite, and then becomes the means of healing and integration of our shadow side. 

This is a big step, congratulations.



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