August 23, 2024
Ask Deepak

How can we be creative without ego taking over?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“I am struggling with how to develop my latent abilities as a co-creator with the Divine without feeding my ego. 

I meditate regularly and I understand that it does the main work of training the ego to expand to Atman, the universal consciousness. 

But how are you supposed to actively encourage one’s creative force for good after meditation without the ego taking credit for it?” 


Observing the synchronicities operating in your life is one of the things you can do after meditation that helps that transition of the ego letting go of its need for control. 

By seeing how cosmic intelligence works to orchestrate all the diverse desires and needs of the universe to bring out the most efficient and effective evolutionary outcome, the ego learns to let go and surrender its illusion of control. 

It learns it can trust the forces of evolution to fulfill its individual needs as well. 

This allows us to take on the co-creator role without misunderstanding what is actually happening. 

The ego no longer thinks that it is the cause and author, it knows it is merely the conduit or the means through which that cosmic intelligence is manifesting.



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