November 12, 2024
Ask Deepak

How can I become Consistent with Meditation?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“When I was about 30, I discovered Yoga and a great teacher came into my life. She helped me become more spiritual. 

I practiced with her for a few years and then I let my life get in the way of my practice. 

I am now 65 and have struggled with the desire to be more consistent with meditation, yoga, balance, etc. I find that I do it for a while and then stop. 

It seems to me that something inside of me keeps sabotaging my practice. 

I ask myself is it fear or laziness or ambivalence? I do not know why I am not consistent in the practice. 

I find peace within and do benefit from yoga practice.

I drift off the path so often but then something or someone (like you) brings me back. 

So I will ask you since I cannot find the answer within.

Why do you think this happens? Do others have this experience? (not that it really matters)  What do you suggest to keep me going and to be consistent?”


There’s no special secret to sticking with a spiritual practice. 

The practice must be important enough to you to continue with it through the distractions, the inertia, the fear, and self-sabotage. 

Recognizing that you feel better when you are consistent with your practice is a start, but you need to go a step further and commit yourself to acting upon that understanding. 

Once you have set your mind to do it, you can employ various techniques like writing your schedule out or rewarding yourself for following through as ways to establish your new routine.



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