How am I able to see people’s auras?.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
What do you think about the aura; months ago, I went to look at myself in the mirror after relaxing and I can do meditation and say: I am so happy, and suddenly my face started to transform.
I seemed to disappear, it became very ugly but I did not feel afraid, but the beautiful part of this was what I saw around me— my head, and around my shoulders, a big white light.
It was my aura, I think it was wonderful.
It was very clear that I thought “We are made of light.”
Now I can see it whenever I want and sometimes in people, only soft white and some of them soft green.
This ability to see the light field around the physical body is an innate ability of the human nervous system when the windows of perception become purified.
There are many, many books written about the aura and what the various colors indicate.
However, instead of trying to assign specific interpretations for what you are seeing, I feel it is better to let your own experience and inner guidance lead your way.
It’s not so important what others think your perception means, what matters is what it means to you.