May 27, 2015

Freedom from the Stigma of Addiction.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

By Nirmala Raniga
Founder, Chopra Addiction & Wellness Center

Many people struggling with mental health issues and addiction do not seek treatment because of the stigma that often surrounds their conditions.

For instance, an individual who discloses details of his or her situation in the workplace fears rejection among colleagues, job loss, and feelings of humiliation and shame. When choosing to go into treatment, a major concern that arises is integrating back into home and work environments. The person may feel—or actually be—watched and monitored, which creates stress and pressure when that individual goes into treatment and later returns to daily life. Fear of judgement can keep people in the cycle of addiction and prevent them from seeking help to improve their lives. For those who do pursue treatment, these beliefs can be a trigger, which can lead to early relapse.

Research supports the notion that the stigma around mental health and addiction issues is real. According to a report to promote awareness of this type of stigma by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), despite the greater awareness surrounding concurrent conditions of mental health and substance abuse, prejudice still exists. Individuals suffering with these issues face discrimination in the forms of housing, employment, and medical-care as well as social isolation. Personal feelings of shame, inadequacy, frustration and disappointment also contribute to negative self-esteem.

Such negative perceptions often deter people from finding assistance for their addiction and mental health concerns, prevent them from accessing services, and often impede their ability to continue with treatment programs that can be crucial to their recovery. Unfortunately, this type of stigma can contribute to poverty, depression, and suicide among those who struggle in these circumstances.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) reports that one of the main reasons why people with mental health issues do not seek assistance, is due to stigma. Of the individuals they surveyed, only 1 in 4 adults (26%) believed that people are generally caring and sympathetic toward those with mental illness. Only 42 percent believed that a person with mental illness can be as successful at work as others. Individuals with addiction and mental health disorders frequently feel that the social stigma they face is worse than the diseases they live with each day.

Ignorance and fear are the two most prevalent factors contributing to these shameful feelings. Terms associated with mental issues and addiction, such as “crazy,” “alcoholic,” and “addict,” often perpetuated through the media, further fuel negative stereotypes, and are not based in fact. Other myths have found their way into common thinking. One such example is the idea that mental illness equates to violence in those who suffer from it, when in fact, those who are mentally ill are more likely to be victimized and fall prey to crime.

Reaching far beyond the general population, the stigma of addiction and mental health is unfortunately also prevalent within the substance abuse and mental health fields themselves. Individuals working in these fields can hold these same negative views, which often stem from common misperceptions about the complexity of problems presented by people with concurrent mental health and substance abuse problems.

To help society move away from these negative perceptions, it is important to understand the facts. Mental health and substance use issues span all walks of life—individuals of all ages, education levels, faiths, professions, and incomes. It is highly likely that these issues touch every person, either through personally suffering from these issues or by way of a family member or friend.

It is important to recognize that mental illness is treatable and people struggling with such issues can and do recover. Additionally, addiction and mental health concerns should not be judged as character weakness, but as symptoms of complex biological, psychological and sociological imbalance that require healing. People with mental illnesses need to be treated with the same respect, compassion and empathy as anyone with a serious, but treatable condition. By taking a compassionate approach, becoming aware of personal prejudices, and choosing language with care, all individuals can play active roles in changing the widespread stigma surrounding these challenging issues.

Perhaps the most important step we can take to help ourselves and loved ones facing issues of addiction and mental health, is to encourage treatment through professionals and facilities that truly understand the nature of these challenges, including the stigma facing those who suffer.

Liberating oneself from the stigmas associated with mental illness and addiction are the first steps on the path to wellness. The Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center offers a compassionate, safe environment for those seeking help for mental health and substance abuse concerns.

The Center is the first treatment facility in North America to provide a holistic method for recovery from addiction, addictive behaviors, depression, anxiety and post-traumatic disorder. The Center’s understanding, supportive atmosphere leads guests to ongoing recovery and emotional freedom.

Located in the pristine beauty of Western Canada, the Center offers comprehensive addiction recovery and wellness programs that combine the latest therapeutic techniques in both modern Western medicine and Eastern healing, including Ayurveda. Guests of the center are offered collaborative, extensive bio-psychosocial and spiritual assessments and receive individualized treatment plans that are regularly reviewed to ensure effectiveness. Guests also benefit from dedicated 24-hour support staff, individual and group therapy sessions, yoga and meditation, massage, acupuncture and regular exercise. After completion of the Center’s residential program, guests are eligible to utilize an aftercare therapy incentive program that provides partial funding for up to twelve weeks.

Savanna, a guest of the Center had this to say, “The Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center was the answer to my PTSD, severe depression, and 20-year heroin, cocaine, and pill addiction. The programs offered are from highly skilled professionals in their varied fields. From the vegetarian chefs, the massage therapist, and the canine assisted therapy dog, to the yoga instructors, doctors, and therapists, to psychodrama and beyond, I feel their unique methods and healthy living and meditation are the right answer for anyone looking to free themselves. I know this to be true as it has worked for me.”

Learn more about the programs offered at The Chopra Addiction and Wellness Center.


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  1. Liliana Ferrari

    Me persigue, es un estigma!

  2. Liliana Ferrari

    Me persigue, es un estigma!

  3. Liliana Ferrari

    Me persigue, es un estigma!

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