March 30, 2013

Depersonalization or Spiritual Sensitivity.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hello Deepak, I am a 27 year old Iranian/Canadian man. Ever since childhood I have had difficulty with shyness and anxiety and also had a very humble, respectful and innocent side to myself as well. I have always had weird and mystical experiences but in the last few years even more. From lucid dreaming and flying and all kinds of things. I feel like I am floating sometimes, like honestly if I were to work on this I could easily do yogic flying.

The thing is though, from a psychological perspective this is depersonalization, anxiety, a disorder, an imbalance, an illness (which is true) and from a spiritual perspective it could be kind of like an awakening that is pushing one towards meditativeness. What is going on? What is right? I can ask a million questions and give thousands of examples but basically, I want to know what perspective is more correct?


It’s not that one interpretation is right and the other wrong. Your situation allows both outcomes depending upon the choices you make. What I suggest is that you strengthen your constitution by devoting yourself to physical activity and actions that are in service to others in need. Physical activity which involves gardening, landscaping, and being outdoors in Nature will help ground you. Volunteering at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen will get you engaged with others in a useful way that pulls you out of your strong introversion. As you become more dynamic, stable and strong, you will find that your innate spirituality can become a powerful and practical force of good for others. This kind of practical spirituality will be a better model of spirituality for you than dreams of floating and astral traveling.


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  1. Amalabha Dutta

    So, ultimately, the perspective is the most important aspect. What psychiatrist may term as "Depersonalization", may turn out to be "Spirituality" when viewed/acted upon with the right perspective. Is it? Or, would you like to elaborate a bit more with your wisdom, Dr Chopra? Best regards, Amalabha

  2. Amalabha Dutta

    So, ultimately, the perspective is the most important aspect. What psychiatrist may term as "Depersonalization", may turn out to be "Spirituality" when viewed/acted upon with the right perspective. Is it? Or, would you like to elaborate a bit more with your wisdom, Dr Chopra? Best regards, Amalabha

  3. Amalabha Dutta

    So, ultimately, the perspective is the most important aspect. What psychiatrist may term as "Depersonalization", may turn out to be "Spirituality" when viewed/acted upon with the right perspective. Is it? Or, would you like to elaborate a bit more with your wisdom, Dr Chopra? Best regards, Amalabha

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